Friday, June 5, 2009

Album Review: Coldplay

[Free digital release]

Coldplay is an undeniably powerful band when it comes to performing live, and LeftRightLeftRightLeft is does nothing to dispel that. The urgency which the band oozes never departs from beginning to end. And of course the sound quality is flawless for a live recording, in fact it's so tight, it sounds just like the studio with audience sound effects inserted in post.

My main issue is that this seems more like a promotional tool for Viva La Vida (or death and all his friends)/Prospekt March, seeing as 7 of the 9 tracks come from those, the band's two 2008 releases. With the exception of including a wonderful version of "Fix You", they skip over 2005's X&Y altogether. And since this is their first official live document since the 2003 tour, they should have utilized the powerhouse material of X&Y much more than they did. And throwing in "Clocks" feels like rehashing material covered already.

I just wish the band had pushed themselves to dig deeper, find the album tracks that rarely get stage play. "'Til Kingdom Come" would have fit flawlessly here, as well as "What If?", "Speed of Sound", "Talk", "Parachutes", or "We Never Change". But enough talking about what isn't here and let's talk abot what is here.

I'll admit that this does answer some questions I had after hearing the two ambitious releases from last year, the biggest of which being: "will they be able to pull it off live". And as usual, the answer is of course...yes they can. If nothing else the rousing rendtion of "Viva La Vida" is proof enough that haven't yet jumped the shark (although they might be heading right for the ramp). But that's about where the appeal of this album ends. It leaves you assured that your money won't go wasted if you catch the band on this tour; however, beyond that it feels thin, half-hearted, and likable but wholly unlovable.

This album feels like the girl you sleep with between girlfriends. Nothing will ever come of it, but it's worth having just because it's there.

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